Sindirepa PG
Sindirepa PG
Vídeo - 24/07/2013

Não erre na troca pastilha de freio

Manutenção dos equipamentos de frenagem é comum nas oficinas, mas em modelos como no Peugeot 206, algumas dicas facilitam o trabalho

A manutenção preventiva dos freios nos sistemas a disco é simples, mas deve ser feita de maneira correta, afinal trata-se de um dos principais sistemas de segurança do veículo. Entre os modelos em que surgem mais dúvidas no momento da troca da peça está o Peugeot 206. O erro mais comum está na posição da pastilha no momento da montagem. Segundo o fabricante, há indicações bem claras na própria peça, mas isso não parece ser suficiente. Muitos mecânicos inserem a pastilha de maneira errada e batem na peça durante a instalação para conseguir o encaixe. Isso provoca o desplacamento do material de atrito, o que ocasiona defeito. Acompanhe o vídeo abaixo produzido pelo site O Mecânico que mostra o processo correto de colocação.

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por Islamabad call girls - Quarta-feira, 24 de Maio de 2023 - 11:55:33 - Comentar

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por Massage spa chennai - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 08:08:17 - Comentar

A massage spa Chennai can be a great place to relax and rejuvenate both your mind and body. Massage spas can help you relieve stress, soothe sore muscle pain, or just treat yourself. Visit here: -

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:48:56 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:48:55 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:48:45 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:47:38 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:47:36 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:47:36 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por onglyhaunting - Terça-feira, 23 de Maio de 2023 - 00:47:33 - Comentar

During the winter months, when the waves are at their largest, the beach at Mile Marker 9 becomes a surfer's and windsurfer's paradise. Even though only the most skilled surfers should get dordle into the sea, there is a great vantage point from which to see the action unfold.

por ousdeveloping - Segunda-feira, 22 de Maio de 2023 - 22:59:49 - Comentar

When you include in the town's eleven parks, biking paths, tennis courts, phrazle and tee-ball fields, you can see why residents love spending time outside in this area.

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